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Conference Museums and Senses: Designing for all

Φωτογραφία από την ημερίδα Μουσεία και Αισθήσεις Σχεδιάζοντας για όλους στο Μουσείο Κανελλοπούλου. Η Στέλα Αναστασάκη παρουσιάζει την περίπτωση του Mind's Eye.

Tuesday 28 June 2022 | Scientific Conference
Canellopoulos Museum & Museum of Cycladic Art

How much has the accessibility of museums for the persons experiencing loss of hearing or loss of sight improved in the last 20 years? What have we learned from the inclusive projects implemented in Greek museums? How can a multisensory approach contribute to the creation of an open, inclusive museum? To what extent can we design for everyone?

These are a few of the questions that were discussed and we all tried to answer together at the conference held at the Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum and the Museum of Cycladic Art on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

Archaeologists, museologists, pedagogues with experience in special education, architect-designers and specialists in cultural communication focused on the principles of designing or redesigning exhibitions, which take into consideration the needs of persons with sensory disabilities since the initiation of a project. The main aim was the creation of new forms of museum experience, which apply a multi-sensory approach.

This was followed by a presentation of projects addressed people experiencing loss of hearing or loss of sight Museum of Cycladic Art (Neofytou Douka 4, Kolonaki).

The presentations of the day were held at the Canellopoulos Museum (Theorias 12, Plaka) with simultaneous interpretation in Greek sign language.

More information about the event can be found here and the conference program here. To watch the presentations of the event press the button below.

Stela Anastasaki, Art beyond sight: The study case of Mind’s Eye

The conference was organized by the Canellopoulos Museum and the Museum of Cycladic Art on the occasion of the European program “ToMiMEUs: Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities”, in which the Museum of Cycladic Art participates.

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