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David Bobier

Wednsesday 27th of November 2024, Papazogleios Weaving School

Presentation details for David Bobier and Leslie Putnam as part of Making Sense, on a white background with black fonts.

Inclusive Technology and the Art of Accessibility

An overview of VibraFusionLab and its engagement in creating accessibility to the Arts for the Deaf and disabled.

VibraFusionLab is a media arts centre based in London, Ontario that provides opportunities for the creation and presentation of multi-sensory artistic practice, partnering with other arts and technology-related organizations in order to achieve this. As an interactive creative media studio VibraFusionLab promotes and encourages the creation of new accessible art forms, including the vibrotactile, and focuses on inclusive technologies that have the potential of expanding art-making practices in the deaf, blind, disabled and hard of hearing communities, and for creating more inclusive experiences for deaf, blind, disabled and hard of hearing audiences.

David Bobier standing with open arms in a dark room, with circular objects on the floor and electronic equipment on a table beside him.


David Bobier is a hard of hearing and disabled media artist whose creative practice is researching and developing vibrotactile technology as a creative medium and language of expression. This ongoing work led to his establishment of VibraFusionLab originally in London, Ontario, a creative multi-media, multi-sensory centre that has gained a reputation as a leader in accessibility for the Deaf and disability arts movement in Canada and internationally. 

His exhibition career includes 18 solo and over 30 group exhibition projects across Canada and in the United States, France, Costa Rica and the UK. Bobier has served in advisory roles in developing Deaf and disability arts Equity programs for both Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council and was an invited participant in the Canada Council for the Arts – The Arts in a Digital World Summit and a panel presenter at the Global Disability Summit in London, UK.

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