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Listen to Our Story

A multi-sensorial tour for the inclusion of people with visual impairment with a guide that narrates the stories of Agon and the Olympic Legacy.

Logotype of the Educational and Social Programme of the Athens Olympic Museum "Agon, an Olympic Legacy"

Listen to our Story is part of the educational program Agon, An Olympic Legacy. It was developed by Off Stream and its partners for the Athens Olympic Museum through an exclusive grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

Listen to Our Story is a multi-sensorial experience addressed to all visitors, including persons with partial or total loss of sight accompanied by their guide. Though hearing and touch, the visitors can discover the History of Sports and the Olympic Games, from the ancient times to the present day, and enjoy a stimulating museum experience. Listen to Our Story features 30 stories, including tactile representations of selected exhibits and audio descriptions of the halls and the exhibition sections of the museum.

Photo of the tactile station of the Olympic Symbol and torches from two different Olympic events, which are part of the Listen to Our Story project of the Athens Olympic Museum. In the image appears a person ready to lift and explore hapticaly the Red Torch from the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games. The tactile station also includes the Olympic symbol in relief and the Torch from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

For the inclusive applications development, Off Stream collaborated with specialized professionals from the fields of arts, architecture, museology, audio description, accessibility, digital media and people who experience different levels of visual impairment ensuring the adequacy and the functionality of the applied practices.

The curated tour “Listen to Our Story” is part of the social and educational program “Agon, An Olympic Legacy” of Athens Olympic Museum, supported through an exclusive grant by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). It was developed by Off Stream in collaboration with Mulo Creative Lab, liminal, Clio Muse Tours, Apolyto Creative Spot, the Accessibility Support Academy, Leia Avraam, Marianna Desypri and Christina Skandali.


Photo of the project Listen to Our Story of the Athens Olympic Museum during the quality check with members of the focus group. On the image appears a blind person with their guide dog while exploring the tactile representation of a torch relay performance.

Scientific Responsibility, Project Management & Content Curation: Off Stream
General Supervision, Architectural & Artistic Direction: Mulo Creative Lab
Museological Curation: Alexandra Nikiforidou
Consultancy Focus Group: Marianna Desypri & Christina Skandali
Audio Narrations in Greek & English: liminal
Audio Narrations Production Manager: Christos Papamichael
Writing & Editing of Audio Narrations: Stela Anastasaki, Kerasia Michalopoulou, Kalliopi Gkika
Translations in English Language: Trisevgeni Papadakou & Marcus O’ Connor
Narrators: Christos Thanos (GR), James Beckett-Dunn (ENG)
Recordings: Basement Studio Productions
Web Accessibility & Hosting of Audio Narrations: Clio Muse Tours
Orientation/Mobility and Daily Skills Instructor for visually impaired persons: Leia Avraam
Mobility skills instruction for persons with visual impairment training of the museum personnel: Accessibility Support Academy
Production & Printing: Apolyto Creative Spot
Photographs: Hichem Merouche, © OffStream 2023

Photo of a tactile representation of an ancient torch relay performance from a vessel that is part of the Listen to our Story project of the Athens Olympic Museum. On the image appear a detail of the torch relay in relief, the station's title in English language, english Braille transcription and a Qr Code.
Photo of the tactile map of the first global torch relay performance held in the Athens Olympic Games of 2004 and are part of the project Listen to Our Story of the Athens Olympic Museum. On the image appears the station of the tactile map in vertical position next to a wall graphic abstract representation of the world's map.
Tactile Representation of the First Global Torch Relay Performance held in the Olympic Games of Athens 2004, which is part of the Listen to Our Story Project of the Athens Olympic Museum. On the image appear a pair of hands exploring the tactile route on the relief world map. The Land is in light green color against the blue back ground of the oceans. Lower appears the number 18 in large font and in braille transcription along with a QR code.
Photo of the project Listen to Our Story of the Athens Olympic Museum from the quality check with members of the focus group. On the image appears the screen of a phone while hearing the acoustic description of a tactile station including an original award form a paralympic winner and its abstract relief representation.
Photo of tactile representation of the victors awards which are part of the Listen to Our Story Project of the Athens Olympic Museum. On the image appears the olive wreath the honorary prize of the olympic winners and a red ribbon.
Photo from the Listen to Our Story project of the Athens Olympic Museum. Detail of the tactile station bearing the medal of a Paralympic athlete.
Photo of the project Listen to Our Story of the Athens Olympic Museum during the quality check with members of the focus group. On the image appear Christina Skandali and Marianna Desypry members of the focus group and Christina Vlachou with Stela Anastasaki while checking the project's station and acoustic descriptions.
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