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The 25th Letter of the Alphabet

Twin Vision Catalogue

Photo Detail of the catalogue The 25th Letter of the Alphabet featuring the transparent braille code applied on top of the

The printed inclusive catalogue created for the Museum of Education “Xeniseum” of the University of Crete, is addressed equally to people with or without visual impairment. It contains images and descriptions of artworks in large font, Greek Braille transcription, relief outlines of artworks and embossed QR codes providing digital access to the catalogue’s content, hosted on website which entails all the accessibility features for the navigation of blind and visually impaired in digital environment.

The project was implemented by the University of Crete in the framework of the RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE Program and was co-financed by the European Union and national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK) the period January – March 2021.

Detail of the interior of the printed catalog. Two fingers touch the relief transparent braille that has been applied on top of the text.

Curation & Production: Off Stream
Graphic Design: Studio Hervik
Texts: Adamantia Zafeiropoulou, Kostas Christidis
Artworks: Antonios Chourdakis

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