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Touch and Haptic perception

A sensory masterclass by Off Stream in the context of the project SENSin | May 11th, 2023

On Thursday, May 11th 2023, Christina Vlachou and Stela Anastasaki held a masterclass on the matter of “Touch and Haptic Perception” in the framework of the project “SENSin” by AlternativeBrainsRule (CY), iBONIS (ES) and KEAN (GR).

The masterclass focused on the activation of the haptic receptors and the tactile memory via sensorial stimuli, while providing theory about the sense of touch, the history of the multi-sensory approaches in museum spaces along with methodologies on the design of tactile graphics and auxiliary aids aiming to the inclusion of persons with visual impairments and other sensory disabilities in the experience of art.

SENSin project poster. On a radiant blue background appears a white circle featuring the word SENS in capital and the word in, in low case letters. The circle is surrounded by the words sensory engagement navigating symbiotic innovation in red letters. The project is cofounded by the EU
SENSin project poster.

The lecture was framed by sensory exercises on the haptic perception designed specifically for the masterclass. The main goal of those exercises was to activate the tactile perception and provide a broad idea about our approach in designing tactile representations, aiming to include as many persons as possible in the experience of culture and art.

More information about the project “SENSin”:

More information about Alternative Brains Rule:


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