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Meeting Points at the online course of W-ICAD

A woman sits among other people seated in a circle. She is touching the tactile aid of the artwork placed on the floor at the center of the circle.

Meeting Points at the online course of W-ICAD

14 January 2025, 17:00 CET (Online launch) The methodology developed by Off Stream as part of the Meeting Points project (2023) for the participatory creation of creative descriptions of artworks is presented […]

A blind person with his guide dog while exploring the tactile representation of a torch relay performance in Athens Olympic Museum.

Presentation of Listen to Our Story program

24 October 2023 Off Stream is inviting you to Athens Olympic Museum event for the presentation of Listen to Our Story program for the inclusion of persons with visual impairment […]

SENSin project poster. On a graphite background appears a white circle featuring the word SENS in capital and the word in, in low case letters. The circle is surrounded by the words sensory engagement navigating symbiotic innovation in red letters. The project is cofounded by the EU

Touch and Haptic perception

A sensory masterclass by Off Stream in the context of the project SENSin | May 11th, 2023 On Thursday, May 11th 2023, Christina Vlachou and Stela Anastasaki held a masterclass […]

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